
Sunday, December 9, 2018

Michael is looking forward to getting to know David/Trump and also to meeting Aaron in person.  Enjoying a game in the company of his Landingham relations is an event to be relished.  

But this is not what plays out.  Michael never leaves his neighborhood while he and David/Trump exchange messages. These leave Michael at first bewildered, then believing David/Trump's brother, Arron, known to Michael will be present, and then enlightened as to what is really happening.  

Now David/Trump realizes that Michael has not lost his caution or skepticism. In his view, Michael's campaign for president is a campaign for understanding between blacks and whites.  It is ego  an opportunity to heal wounds.   His questions are pointed and demand answers.  

The questions David/Trump is asking are very revealing. The questioner thinks in terms of 'class'. identifying himself as someone who is destined to decide the future for others.  This is the basis for the friction between those who emotionally identify as 'elites' and those who think opportunities are available to everyone willing and able to be industrious and build services and products others want because they improve our lives.  

Trump is doubtless 'well educated' in one sense but his arrogance ignores the intentions enunciated in the Declaration of Independence, the Mission Statement intended to guide the role of government in America.  Deceit, lying, the abuse of power, and self-dealing apparently do not trouble Trump.  

So, what will Trump do now that he has been outed to someone he deems unworthy of even considering a run for president?  You are about to find out - brace yourself.  

"Come outside" where I can get you will be the theme on Monday, December 10, 2018.  


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